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Yang was born in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, to a family that had emigrated from China in the 1980s. He is also known for his appearances in the LGBTQ romantic comedies Fire Island and Bros, both released in 2022.

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Yang has appeared in the television series Girls5Eva, Ziwe, and The Other Two, and is a cast member on Awkwafina is Nora from Queens.

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He was promoted to the main cast before the 47th season. Yang was promoted to on-air cast member for SNL's 45th season as a featured player, in September 2019, becoming its first Chinese-American, third openly gay male, and fourth-ever cast member of Asian descent. Since September 2018, he has been on the writing staff of Saturday Night Live ( SNL). He co-hosts a comedy pop-culture podcast, Las Culturistas, with Matt Rogers.

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Bowen Yang ( Chinese: 楊伯文 born November 6, 1990) is an Australian-born American actor, comedian, podcaster, and writer based in New York City.

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